Bushwhacked (film)

Bushwhacked is a 1995 comedy, action and adventure film starring Daniel Stern, Jon Polito, Anthony Heald and Brad Sullivan. This was Greg Beemans last theatrical film before he moved on to direct television movies for Disney Channel. This also marked Sullivans last theatrical appearance before his retirement in 2000 and his death in 2008. It was originally planned to be a spin off film to the Home Alone franchise with Daniel Stern reprising his role as Marv.

Grabelski then finds out from his boss that another package for Bragden is to be delivered to a place called Devils Peak. He drives up there while, at the same time, Ranger Scout Troopis planning an overnighter near there. Troopconsists of Gordy Patterson, whose mother is troop leader, Ralph, who constantly complains about Mrs. Pattersons performance as scout leader, Milton Fishman, the troop genius who lacks confidence, Dana Jareki, the youngest member and Barnhill, who continuously brags about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Following the inclusion of Kelsey Jordan, the only female member, Gordy convinces his mother to find a new leader. Max steals a car, drives to a gas station, and meets Scout Leader Jack Erickson Brad Sullivan, who was going to meet them there and whose Hummer he then steals at gunpoint when the gas station attendant figures out he is the wanted man. He switches places with Erickson whom he calls Sergeant Doofus for putting an obscene sticker on his car window, gluing his hands and chin to the steering wheel, and takes his stolen station wagon.Troopbegins to leave for the campgrounds, but Mrs. Patterson refuses to leave since Dana isnt with them, to which Ralph explains that his father refused to let him go. They leave, but at that moment, Dana arrives, stating that his father changed his mind and gives her his permission slip it is later revealed by Mr. Jareki that Dana forged the signature. Grabelski heads to Devils Peak but an officer informs him he is late for the troop. He is mistaken for the Scout Leader and finds himself in the midst of an overnighter. FBI agents then swarm the base of Devils Peak and Palmer and Erickson go after him and the troop who are now considered hostages. He begins acting weird around them, who see it as brilliance rather than crazy and they decide to scale the mountain rather than just have an overnighter. They are discovered by Palmer and Erickson after the troop accidentally urinate on them, and Grabe

Source: Wikipedia